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My car wont start help please

  Phase 1 Clio 172
just bought my clio two days ago from up sunderland seems a tidy car was running perfect no judering when i was driving or lumpy tickover

i come to it today to try and start it and it turns over just dont seem to crack up my dad seems to think imobolisers come on but would it still turn over if it has

i have just replaced the spark plugs ht leads and coil pack i had spare so that rules them out so just wondered if any one knows what it could be

oh somthing that didnt look to good when i pulled the plug out of cylinder 1 the outside was caked in oil but the tip where the spark comes from was dry so dont know if that means anything

does anyone have any ideas on what i could be or what i could try to get it started ?

  Lots of Alfas
What dash lights are staying on after the ignition is turned on?? Check the TDC sensor and wiring. Chances are someone might have spilled the oil when filling it up doing an oil change.
  Phase 1 Clio 172
cheers mate

i have had a look round on here few threads point towards the TDC sensor lucky i have a clio sport out back im breking for spare parts :D
  Phase 1 Clio 172
just swapped the TDC sensor this didnt make a difference the imobiser light is off but my mate said he couldnt hear the fuel pump engaging is there anything that would stop this from engaging?
  Williams 2 & 200
Try fiddling with the wires under the steering column, mine sometimes doesn't disengage the immob and this normally fixes it
  172 cup
It wouldnt crank if imobiliser has kicked in if the same as a phase 2. Did you check for a spark at all when you did plugs? Next thing to check is that shes getting fuel . . .Then start hunting elsewhere
  172 cup
There is a fuel pump fuse that pops every now and again on some members cars. Couldnt tell you where though . . . Check all ones in box I guess
  Phase 1 Clio 172
will this come on diagnostics check just dropped it off at garge for diagnostic check hoping its somthing simple so i can take it pod tomorrow
  172 cup
unsure to be honest. If they try and run a test on fuel pump they should realise a problem then.

Fail on taking it to garage already.
  Phase 1 Clio 172
unsure to be honest. If they try and run a test on fuel pump they should realise a problem then.

Fail on taking it to garage already.

its only so i can have it checked hopefully he wil have the answer in next hour
  172 cup
Big red button is in engine bay, IIRC is a fuel cut off in a crash. Harsh bumps can set them off and they have been known to go off randomly. Push it back in. Is about the size of a £2 coin
  renault clio 1.2 16v diam
hi mate i had the same problem a couple of weeks ago and got the aa out and they new right away that it was the earth lead on the altenuator that was coming loose so he just squeezed the lead to make it a better fit and he said that it was a common fault.hope this helps good luck.
  Honda & VW
What dash lights are staying on after the ignition is turned on?? Check the TDC sensor and wiring. Chances are someone might have spilled the oil when filling it up doing an oil change.

Am i missing something here or what....

You top up oil on the left hand side of the engine, and the TDC sensor is on the right hand side so how could you spill?
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^Guessing he means about the spark plug having some oil in it. Also guessing you mean oil not fuel lol.
  Phase 1 Clio 172
well found out it was the fuel relays that were playing up those have been replaced and car cracks up now no troubles

had the car faults reset with the diagnostics check

now been driving it about and the emissions lights on which it wasnt on other day when i drove it down from sunderland this cars doing my headin i fix one thing another crops up any ideas what could be causing this ?
  Clio Sport 172
Hi guys where is this big red button, I cant see it any where on my 172 been having the same problem??? Many thabks
