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My dad’s clio probs

  Clio200 EDC Lux

Hi peeps

My dad has 1.4s W reg clio. Last week the speedo stopped working and consquently the mileage stopped as well, although it is displaying the mileage.

He took it to our local renault speicalist garage and they thought it may be a sensor on the gear box so they replaced it but no luck. They took the dash out and had a look just incase there was a lose wire or something (as just before the speedo stopped the dash lights were flashing intermitently) They rekon it needs a compete new set of dials eg the whole dash, which is gonna cost about £400.

Just really asking for a second opinion, is this a problem anyone has had before? Is £400 about right for a new dash, or is it better to try and get hold of a second hand dash?

