Did you wax it? Pointless doing what you did without waxing it. As for de-tarring it the clay bar should of made short work of tar spots.
Depends how much tar is on it. He could've gone through a few clay bars though I suppose
Clay bars dragging tar across the surface causes marring. So detar first is a must.
Doesnt using a da/rotary whizz the marring straight off anyway?? Even a light go over with the da gets rid ime.
Yes. It will. But detailing is the art of removing as little clear coat as poss to achieve the desired effect. So by missing out tar and iron decontam stages, you're inflicting marring that could be otherwise avoided.
I thought claying was this stage? To remove tar, iron and tree sap deposits etc.
Thanks for the heads up mate.
I'm a weirdo. I am.