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My dirty little secret...

Right, before everyone starts slating for running valver managment, i wanted to do it a) to see if it would run, B) to try and escape the dreaded immobiliser issue.

My nemesis, the F7P engine:

The bottom end started knocking like a wood pecker on speed on sunday night, so, couldnt source a engine cheap enopugh so the 172 conversion is going ahead.
Not much done, 172 engine reassembled(sump and b/e) and all bracketory stripped off leaving just the bare block and head.
Made a start on the valver, Wiring loom disconnected, bastarding downpipe nuts were siezed so it had to come out the bottom. Subframe off, exhaust off, linkage off, Ball joints disconnected, driveshafts off, then dropped the engine out.
Got the 172 engine in and on the mounts for luke(Schnakey) to fabricate the exhaust downpipe/decat etc etc, as on the valver the manifold and downpipe run under the subframe, whereas the 172 it runs between the bulkead and the subframe.


The original downpipe and cat setup:

The mock up:

The half finished, ready to do the mock up and trial fit/modify of decat

Plenty of room! :|

While luke was fiddling about with that, i was getting on with getting the engine on the mounts, subframe on, and the wiring loom. I have decided for ease of the conversion as its on a very short deadline to run a dizzy and use the valver managment and get it remapped to suit the 172.
Upon getting it on the mounts, i discovered how much of a problem this was going to be...

Slapped the inlet on and put the bonnet on to check clearence(if any :lol: )






Subframe back on. And another problem, the way we welded the downpipe/decat meant it was constantly hitting the subframe, so we modified the rear mount brtaket to hold the engine at a very slight angle more than it would, and this solved the problem.
Not much, but enough clearance for the engine movement

Decat welded up, with lambda flange included!

My dizzy adapter plate, courtesy of PanTec engineering!

I tiedied up the wiring loom, moved a few sensors over from the valver lump to enable all the incar oil guages to work, and adapted the loom to suit!
I also fitted a Air/fuel ratio meter to monitor the engines running!

Ive also made up a braket for the alternator.
Discovered yet another niggly problem...
The deact we welded up doesnt drop down enough from the body, so when trying to connect the mid section, it hits the heatshields under the gearstick!so after swearing, and the well known stage of looking, staring, poking, and walking away, we started the jiggery npokery of the decat.
Thats all the prgress made so far, not bad for a weeks work IMO!

I was hoping to have it running yesterday, but due to Renault not stock any gaskets, it will be atleast tuesday! but it gives me more time to play about with coolant hoses, and the HT leads ive goto make to fit a dizzy.
List of stuff left to do:
- Coolant hoses
- Finish exhaust (lukes job)
- Refit driveshafts
- All liquids
- Find an airfilter to fit!!
- modify bonnet framework to fit around the engine
- Fit check straps on subframe
- Fit inlet manifolds and gaskets
- Fit and modify fuel rail and Fuel lines
- get a 880mm aux belt
AFAIR thats all that needs doing...
And to set up the timing. all can be done in about a day me thinks, But, ive got all day today and tomorrow to get those done before i can fit gaskets and manifolds. I had it cranking last night, so the wiring appears to still be good!


Today (Sunday)
Not much prgress today, mainly due to lack of motivation due to tiredness!!
But what got done:
Oil and gearbox oil in
Bottom ball joints
Passenger wheel on
Subframe check straps


Great progress today, after further modifications to the exhaust, it seems to fit...all bar the lambda, but thats not a problem!!
Today, I got the inlet fitted, plugs and leads, fuel rail, both wheels on, wiring loom further tied up, and started doing the igintion timing, shes coughing and spluttering, but due to the cam timing its going to take alot to get her going, but its so close! she WILL be running tomorrow!
Only thing left to do now, if Fine tune ignition, and sort out coolant hose and fan wiring!


Right, been having a small hink about this, its stalling if it gets anything above 4krpm. sounds like fuel starvation, but theres plenty of fuel. god knows.
So options:
1)Try and find a 2.0 williams ecu to see if that helps?
2)Engine out to change the flywheel, dash out and redo it all and run it on 172 managment.
Finding a williams ecu.
Transponder immobiliser... Due to renault being ghey and wiring the decoder ring through the UCH which controls every fricking switch or light in the whole car means its a bit harder.
Ive traced the wire from the decoder ring to the UCH, need to find where it comes out of the ecu now. But will it work with out the uch? i dont know and frankly its very annoying and frustrating why it wont work. just want to sit and cry lol.


Right, ive had an hours sleep and tbh i feel like crap! but, i have i think concquered the 172 immobiliser issue, ive cut out the uch and joined the wire where it would be the oither side of the uch. just now need to pull the engine out and change the flywheel over, fit the 172 clutch, and work out what pins do what on the valver side of the loom


Still no further with the car side of things due to other jobs and lack of motivation as im not getting paid for it! lol but, the wiring loom is on my dining room table(thank fook the 'rents are away!) and ive pin'd up the wires i NEED from the bulkhead on the 172 loom and the wires into the ecu. now today or tomorrow im taking the engine out and fitting the 172 fly, clutch, etc etc. then refit it all and start again


Well slight set back, the engine is out, 172 flywheel is on, but the bolts for the clutch are different to the ones on the valver, now ive got the bolts somewhere, just need to find them! need my car ready by saturday, as ive got a trackday sunday!!


And thats my progress so far, my ecu is at RS Tuning having the immobiliser removed, should be back today fingers crossed, the car is now on the ground, on its wheels waiting patiently!!
  is dirty.
Don't understand much of it but looks like a lot of time and hard work..oh and a damn good job!


ClioSport Club Member
Awesome write up fella :star:

Finger crossed it all goes right for you ......... good luck :)
  F4R'd ITB'd '92 cup racer
oh the joys i have to look forward to :S

what is all this about uch's and transponder immobilisers? i thought having the ecu decoded would sort all this out? or is there more to it?

what does the uch look like?
oh the joys i have to look forward to :S

what is all this about uch's and transponder immobilisers? i thought having the ecu decoded would sort all this out? or is there more to it?

what does the uch look like?

UCH is the big white thing with f**k loads of realys!

You can run the uch, but it means a whole lot more wiring, which is why i cut mine out, and got the ecu decoded.

look at this thread here, it gives alot of info!
  F4R'd ITB'd '92 cup racer
oh the joys i have to look forward to :S

what is all this about uch's and transponder immobilisers? i thought having the ecu decoded would sort all this out? or is there more to it?

what does the uch look like?

UCH is the big white thing with f**k loads of realys!

You can run the uch, but it means a whole lot more wiring, which is why i cut mine out, and got the ecu decoded.

look at this thread here, it gives alot of info!

i presume it sits in the car and is not attatched to the engine loom directly, but through the big black plug? if you get my drift?


ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
I don't really understand any of what you wrote, but well done for doing it! will be a flier once its done!
UCH is the big white thing with f**k loads of realys!

You can run the uch, but it means a whole lot more wiring, which is why i cut mine out, and got the ecu decoded.

look at this thread here, it gives alot of info!

i presume it sits in the car and is not attatched to the engine loom directly, but through the big black plug? if you get my drift?

Yes, but everything is wired thorugh it.

I.E ignition switch goes through it, as does the decoder ring.
  F4R'd ITB'd '92 cup racer
Yes, but everything is wired thorugh it.

I.E ignition switch goes through it, as does the decoder ring.

man i am royally confused now lol i hate electrics at the best of times

i only have the engine loom, not car loom,so what is to stop me decoding the ecu and then wiring up what i need to the existing valver loom? ie ignition, warning lights etc?

i make it sound so simple dont it lmao
  RS Megane DCi 175
Awesome, hats off to you doing it yourself - I'm not sure what I'm looking at in most of them pics! ;)
  F4R'd ITB'd '92 cup racer
The 172/182 immobiliser is in the ecu itself, it cuts fuel injection, so there is No way around it other than getting the key working or the mmobiliser removed!

but rstuning can either remove it or get round this can they not?
Dan, im picking up all my 172 stuff this weekend, do you have a number or contact for rs tuning? im going to need the ecu de-coded..
its all on Pmurrays website. the contact details!

Clarkie, I hate carbs with a passion, if it had Fuel injection why step back in the world is what i think!! ive got half my throttle body set up here!
