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My first proper detail :)


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172FF
So I did it. My first proper job on the car.

Woke up this morning (duh-duh-duh da dum), and it was a nice overcast day, so I deceided to nip over to Halfrauds and get me some new products to play with, settled on some Auto Glym SRP and SGP, megs tyre dressing and Muc-off applicators and a couple of nice new mircofibres.

Hit the jetwash on the way home and hosed off the thick cr*p then did a proper mit wash with megs gold class shampoo, wiped dry with megs water magnet. Clayed the entire car with megs Clay and QD (that stuff still amazes me...) and wiped it down again. Next was a nice coat of the Super Resin Polish which worked a bloomin' treat (but was fairly hard work), followed by a coat of the Super Gloss Protection. Found these two made a huge difference to the percieved depth of the paint. Topped it all off with a coat of megs Gold Class show wax (not overly impressed with it...). Did a quick once over on the wheels, and then did the tyres.

Finished off by doing all the little bits of trim and stuff with megs Gold Class trim detailer - soooo much nicer than normal black "trim waxes".

So happy with the results. Did I do everything in the right order? Anything I could do cheaply to improve the results? Will try and get some pics up soon - before I get the "this thread is useless without pitures" post. :rasp:

(At the end of the day it's just another shiney black Clio...)
  White APE
Id be intrested to see how this turns out as ive just picked up most of the products you used.

Just need the weather to back off so i can actually get out and use them.

Just waiting on the pics.... LOL
  Mondeo ST220
Will be good to see some pics. I was very impressed with the SRP. Did buy some clay and just didn't seem to work but just ordered some of the quick detailer stuff from i4detailing. Was really impressed with (and still am) Collinite 476S wax, brilliant stuff
  106 GTi
Sorry to say - The Gold Class Wax will have removed some if not all the EGP as it has cleaners in it! Probably making the Extra Gloss a wasted step :(


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172FF
This thread is no longer useless... :rasp:


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ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172FF
Cheers mate! :D

Nowhere near the level I want to get it to like. Bonnet still looks like someone took a pop at it with a 12-bore... :mad: Camera is quite flattering, not got the level of detail to show the scratches. Fairly swirl free tho, which is a bonus.
