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My new site/portfolio/blog


Hi All,

I recently decided to set myself up with a more unique online presence rather than sticking with Flickr alone (which is great, but I wanted something I could use for blogging, and something which would allow me to customise the presentation).

This photography section of the CS forum was one of the main things that drove me to take photography more seriously so would love any comments/criticisms you guys may have.

Awesome! It all works really well. Did you code it all from scratch, or get some help? If I was going to change anything, think I'd want the rollover menus to come out horizontally rather than vertically. But otherwise brilliant.
  1.4 16v Clio
Looks really nice.

A few things usability wise (of course my opinion and others may not agree), would be to:

a) move the 'Blog' link into the 'Pages' tab or give it it's own tab if it's going to be a large part of the website.

b) if possible change the width of the text section for the blog itself as it displays fine on my widescreen monitors but on people with lower resolutions they may have to scroll left and right on the page to read the entries. (I believe the optimum line length is 66-70 characters, but most websites use 70-100 characters.)

c) the social media links at the bottom of the page look like they still have matting on for a white background. The majority of these could be fixed by opening them in Photoshop and going to 'Layer> Matting> Remove White Matting'. Also it looks like the text links which I assume are meant to be hidden are showing and ruining the layout for this section.

d) Within 'Categories', if possible hide the 'Front Page Gallery' link, and also possibly rename the 'Uncategorized' link to 'Still Life' as that seems to encompass the majority of the photos in that category.

e) change the 'Twitter' link to open a new window or new tab instead of going away from your website entirely.

f) maybe get a contact page made instead of just a straight 'mailto:' link.

g) I don't have alot of experience with wordpress but you may be able to find a SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) plug-in/extension to allow you to give custom names to your category links because at the moment they show as '/?cat=75' whereas '/blog' would probably help a bit more.

And that's about all I can see, but again great looking site! and these are just little things I've noticed and are mainly geared towards allowing users to navigate more easily and stay on the site for longer.

  Tangoed Works
That website is awesome and exactly what I am looking to do in the coming months. Did you design that site on a mac with iWeb and then finish the pages in photoshop?


  Focus TDCi
I'd be gravely worried if one of my web design lecturers was showcasing that horizontal scrolling is acceptable. It's not.

Been seeing it quite a lot recently, I don't like it though.

I like the OP's site, works well. Not had chance to look over all of it but one thing I noticed when viewing on my laptop is that I can't see any lower than the 7th option on the categories dropdown navigation when on the index page, as the overflow is hidden.
  Suzuki Ignis
Very nice, like your work. However I'd say there is too much on there. Well too many catagories. Cut it to automotive, music and travel and only put your very best stuff on.
I'd be gravely worried if one of my web design lecturers was showcasing that horizontal scrolling is acceptable. It's not.

I don't like it.

However, I do like this, and would plough it like John Deere.



  Focus TDCi
Very nice, like your work. However I'd say there is too much on there. Well too many catagories. Cut it to automotive, music and travel and only put your very best stuff on.

Agreed, especially if you're looking to build up a reputation and be recognised for your work.. looks better if you specialise. It's something I'm debating myself at the moment.
