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My official hello :) (lots of pics inside)


  Clio 182 cup
great selection. a friend of mine is in the process of building his robbin 3 he tried a red top with carbs but it was all wrong length and depth so its a real work in progress


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
A man with really good taste, real shame about that escort mate, very saught after.
The risks you take with something so rare and clean looking. :( Can't have anything nice these days!

You still into your fords mate?
Thanks kelly :)

yes gally always have and will be, I've had over ten mk1 and mk2 Escorts, and another 7/8 cossies and RS Turbos.. The RS2000 was only stolen this feb but I'm waiting to get a proper garage before I buy another. I still moderate an RS forum too :)


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
Excellent, nice to hear you haven't lost interest. My full family have fords really so they have always been in my blood.

You wouldn't know it driving a yellow puma right enough.

Not had any fiestas? What's next? Another mk2 escort?
  Fabia VRS & Yeti
Welcome, love the fords!
As said before shame about the black RS getting stolen.
Your not far frome me, judging by the plane you don't work in S/gate P/green!
I live in Palmers Green but work at the Aerodrome in Elstree :)

Where in Enfield are you ?

Gally, yep had a few Mk1 fiesta and a mk2 xr2 , a mk3 2.0 zetec track car too....

Shall I wh0re some more pics lol

Yep another Mk2 for sure, maybe halfway into next year though as I should have moved house by then too..
  Fabia VRS & Yeti
I live near chase side at the moment.
Moving to Hertford soon, hopefully my insurance will go down lol!
Re: My official hello :) (lots of pics insideI do)

I dont have any decent ones yet, I start and finish work when it's dark :(


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
Get some ford pics up you big *****, make a new thread in other marques or automotive mate.


Hi Kiss Luke E****
ClioSport Club Member
  981 Cayman GTS
Trust Gally to be in here ;)

Welcome along Yodi, love the mk1/2 escorts!


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
Pmsl! Knows luke!

Yes all the pictures you have! Me and Cat will have a ford Orgy!


  Clio 182 cup
Fez he should have find a way of sticking with it they are 150bhp standard :)

Thanks KOI :D

To me thats a good amount for that size, but he has just installed last night a cosworth turbo engine i cant see it going in a straight line at all.
