Ive had this a while now but never got round to putting up a project thread.
I had been longing to get back into a car that was more fun after the Vectra and then the temporary replacement Corsa and I loved my old 1.6 Ph2 and I always a sport and the phase 1 was my preference as it just feels more raw.
So about June I purchased this on ebay for £809, needed work doing to it even though the picture doesnt show much needed at all but I was happy with it.
Obvious major issues when I bought it:
-front bumper cracked and paint pealing
-bonnet dented
-knackered shocks all round
-airbag light
-generally was just a mess and not kept clean/tidy and up to scratch, dented and scratched wheels, worn seats, wheel etc.
So I set to work and started by gutting out and cleaning the inside of the car, ended up removing the tar that was somehow on the leather of the seats and had to sort out the fact they looked past it, a shave later with my old beard trimmer brought them up a treat, ignore the lines, they are just from the direction of me using the trimmer.
I then set about sorting the airbag light which turned out to be driver side airbag with dodgy connection so that was soon sorted
Next up was the aerial as the base rubber had all rotted and was not looking good, plus the original aerial is 3ft long and looks terrible. I had a batch of aerials in and fitted one of them, much better afterwards.
Next up was the obvious...audio, nothing special, just new cable run through the car, small sub in the boot that I can remove, 6.5" comps upfront which are amped, and a headunit which I had lying about with a cd fault and so converted it from a conventional aux to a music streaming headunit so I can have all my music at the touch of a button. At the same time I had Austin wrap me my handbrake cover, a pillar covers and interior wing mirror covers in suede. I dont have any pics of these fitted yet (dont seem to have much of anything that I have fitted :clown
Wheel was also a complete mess so I swapped temporarily for a basic model clio wheel as I couldnt be doing with the leather falling off every second.
I then undersealed the underside of the car ready for the winter before getting hold of a set of bumpers and grille from a member off here (sorry I have forgotten names), however after collecting them I managed to break my arm at footy so it sat like this for the next month- unloved
So whilst I was unable to do anything I felt it the perfect time to get together everything I wanted to fit, so I ordered myself:
Cooksport springs,
smoked side repeaters,
silvertecs all round,
polished foot rest,
battery cover,
tow eye,
new engine cover bolts,
strut top covers, (the above all thanks to Dan@MAD
smd's for dash conversion,
new boot panel,
rear ph2 lights,
replacement front and rear shocks,
2nd set of wheels so I could have my f1's powdercoated,
powdercoated f1s and injector rail cover,
front, rear bumper and grill respray,
hids and I am sure there is some other stuff I havent remembered but they obviously aren't important enough to remember.
Once I was out of cast I needed to get motion back in my wrist and one of the things I could do was clean the car so I set to work on cleaning out the boot, carpets, roof lining and under the engine bay. Havent got many pics but this was the spare wheel well after 45 minutes of cleaning, safe to say it was very minging.
Before and after
My wheels and a few other bits then turned up :approve:
I then set to work on my dials once I had enough movement back and they turned out great, white smd's all round
Last 2-3 weeks ive been able to do things a bit more labour intensive so fitted all the easy stuff such as lights etc and then had my bumpers back so they are now on along with the wheels and annoyingly in less than a week someone has already driven into the bumper and left a lovely gash up the side of it. You can see it in the next picture just at the front near the bottom along with the cooksport springs and wheels now on and at the same time painted my callipers all round gloss black to tidy them up.
and how she stands at the moment-I really need to use a camera and not my phone and learn how to take a picture!
Next up are wheel spacers, gear box oil change, polish the lights and this weekend will be a change of all engine mounts except the dogbone mount as I have ordered the evolengineering one with the softer bushes so that should be here next weekend
I had been longing to get back into a car that was more fun after the Vectra and then the temporary replacement Corsa and I loved my old 1.6 Ph2 and I always a sport and the phase 1 was my preference as it just feels more raw.
So about June I purchased this on ebay for £809, needed work doing to it even though the picture doesnt show much needed at all but I was happy with it.
Obvious major issues when I bought it:
-front bumper cracked and paint pealing
-bonnet dented
-knackered shocks all round
-airbag light
-generally was just a mess and not kept clean/tidy and up to scratch, dented and scratched wheels, worn seats, wheel etc.
So I set to work and started by gutting out and cleaning the inside of the car, ended up removing the tar that was somehow on the leather of the seats and had to sort out the fact they looked past it, a shave later with my old beard trimmer brought them up a treat, ignore the lines, they are just from the direction of me using the trimmer.
I then set about sorting the airbag light which turned out to be driver side airbag with dodgy connection so that was soon sorted
Next up was the aerial as the base rubber had all rotted and was not looking good, plus the original aerial is 3ft long and looks terrible. I had a batch of aerials in and fitted one of them, much better afterwards.
Next up was the obvious...audio, nothing special, just new cable run through the car, small sub in the boot that I can remove, 6.5" comps upfront which are amped, and a headunit which I had lying about with a cd fault and so converted it from a conventional aux to a music streaming headunit so I can have all my music at the touch of a button. At the same time I had Austin wrap me my handbrake cover, a pillar covers and interior wing mirror covers in suede. I dont have any pics of these fitted yet (dont seem to have much of anything that I have fitted :clown
I then undersealed the underside of the car ready for the winter before getting hold of a set of bumpers and grille from a member off here (sorry I have forgotten names), however after collecting them I managed to break my arm at footy so it sat like this for the next month- unloved
So whilst I was unable to do anything I felt it the perfect time to get together everything I wanted to fit, so I ordered myself:
Cooksport springs,
smoked side repeaters,
silvertecs all round,
polished foot rest,
battery cover,
tow eye,
new engine cover bolts,
strut top covers, (the above all thanks to Dan@MAD
smd's for dash conversion,
new boot panel,
rear ph2 lights,
replacement front and rear shocks,
2nd set of wheels so I could have my f1's powdercoated,
powdercoated f1s and injector rail cover,
front, rear bumper and grill respray,
hids and I am sure there is some other stuff I havent remembered but they obviously aren't important enough to remember.
Once I was out of cast I needed to get motion back in my wrist and one of the things I could do was clean the car so I set to work on cleaning out the boot, carpets, roof lining and under the engine bay. Havent got many pics but this was the spare wheel well after 45 minutes of cleaning, safe to say it was very minging.
Before and after
My wheels and a few other bits then turned up :approve:
I then set to work on my dials once I had enough movement back and they turned out great, white smd's all round
Last 2-3 weeks ive been able to do things a bit more labour intensive so fitted all the easy stuff such as lights etc and then had my bumpers back so they are now on along with the wheels and annoyingly in less than a week someone has already driven into the bumper and left a lovely gash up the side of it. You can see it in the next picture just at the front near the bottom along with the cooksport springs and wheels now on and at the same time painted my callipers all round gloss black to tidy them up.
and how she stands at the moment-I really need to use a camera and not my phone and learn how to take a picture!
Next up are wheel spacers, gear box oil change, polish the lights and this weekend will be a change of all engine mounts except the dogbone mount as I have ordered the evolengineering one with the softer bushes so that should be here next weekend