Looks like a manual though!
Wheels are nice! Don't like how the rear arch is eating the wheel though. Makes it look a bit 'back to the future' lol
That looks nice. Too low and silly wheels but I like the car lol. Well done for atleast getting a decent car.
that would look 10x better if it was raised a bit. must be ridiculous to drive.
Pics of it at the height you drive it around? I bet it looks 10x better.
What makes me laugh about this whole airbags thing is people go "check out how bad ass and low my car is" then get in, start it up, put it to a height it can get out of the carpark, and drive off.
You and I could both achieve the same thing for photo's sure it'd take me an hour to remove my springs, but I'd not have to spend £1000 on some fancy suspension
Other than the daft low, I really like it.
It's on air suspension?! :S
What about it? LolPost #11
if thats an R32, and I was given it, I'd just give it some ground clearance so that it can be used as a mode of transport, not a paperweight. y0! lowrider gas-suspension or not, within 5 miles of driving on real roads I'd have no splitter, rear bumper or sills.
If it's anything less, I'd go the closest McChavcarpark, leave the door open with the keys in the ignition and walk home
Quite surprised that people who mainly use car forums don't understand that air suspension can be raised to oem height within a couple of seconds. It's 2014, air suspension has been around for many years!