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  172 Cup
Arite folks,

just a quick hello peeps, I recognize a few familiar faces the the Rallye Register, but for those who don't know me I'm from the Newcastle.

I has a couple of Rallye's in the past and I'm thinking to start rocking a 172/182 soonish!! Here's some pics my past cars but im ashamed to say I now drive a 06 Corsa :S





Anywho, look forward to meeting some of ya's :cool:
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  172 A Cupwork Orange™
nice cars the Rallye

whats the bp 100 ?
there is a lass with one of these where i work i'v always wondered if they were rapid or not thinking of taking her to a private runway when the weather gets better for a drag :D

ps welcome to the forum mate
  172 Cup
Cheers people, as standard they're 103bhp and gives 97lbs/ft of torque at 3500rpm... so thats 119bhp/tonne

great little cars
  172 A Cupwork Orange™
arh no match for the mighty 172 cup then lol

still your right lovely looking cars and quick for there bhp bit like a mg zr only a little quicker
  172 A Cupwork Orange™
Dont listen to Knoxy he is strange...:rasp:


Ps check out his bedspread!!!!! :rasp:
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  Black 182
lol, I would post a photo of vern but i don't want to get banned! Or scare you away from the forum.
  172 Cup
Would it be wrong if I said I was a little scared? lol

I'l see what I can do about the meet, time free isn't heard of much these days
  172 Cup
LOL, tell me about it I've only got the one at the minute, don't actually pick it up until Thursday, totally standard at the minute until I get a feel for the car, don't wanna jump in the deep end!

  B/G 182 + PH1 Track
Sorry can not resist laughing at Knoxy!!


and one from the last durham meet.


/adrian :rasp:


Good choice dan,i noticed pics on another forum just my pm facilities have been removed lol

welcome to the site mate
