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N95 8Gb firmware v30 out now



As title, fixes as follows:

Nokia Maps 2.0 now built-in
Full N-Gage client now built-in
Nokia Search 4.0 now with Google plug-in
Share online 3.0
Enablers for Comes With Music (watch this space)
Download! application updated (v 3.1.50)
Upgrade to Music Player, with new visualisations
Update for Flash Lite 3 (improved viewing of sites like YouTube)
Current consumption improvements (for e.g. WLAN scanning)
New baseline for VoIP (with significant error corrections)
Incoming call number is displayed in additon to name of the contact
Realplayer supports FLV format (i.e FLV files can be played directly like MP4
  Ibiswhite Audi S3 8P
How do I proceed to update it? Can I keep my downloaded programs and contacts?

  Ibiswhite Audi S3 8P
The menu gives me some options to backup: One is only the telephone memory and the other is mass storage.
Which one do I need to go for?
Im such a noob..

Cheers again


In the nokia pc suite, load up the content copier and it'll talk you through it
  Yaris Hybrid

My phone is updating now using the Nokia Software Updater and it says Update: 20.0.016?
  Clio 172mk2
u goto have one of the right product codes , e.g prolly not any branded fone

Easy enough to change my n95 original is on v30, has auto screen rotate n prolly other stuff which i`ll never use
  6/468 17poo
yeah just plugged mine in (original n95) v30 available, i remember i changed the product code aaaaaaagges a go, obviously helped ;)

  6/468 17poo
Er, i really cant remember you need to run another programme, google it mate, its easy to do, just need to be confident, there was a guide on here a while back, im on orange and running the v30 firmware seems ok so far!
  Ibiswhite Audi S3 8P
I managed to update it :)

Well nice. The auto screen rotation is much smoother now (although a bit slower then before).

What apps is everyone running. I just have flipsilent, and the contact download manager to use it in the car.

Heard there was the possibility to get some games "free". Anyone know about that? (pm, maybe)

  ex Clio 172 owner :(
You need to use something called NSS and GSM Magic to change a product code.

It's easy.

Nokia Software Updater (NSU) reads the product code of your phone and it searches its database
for a newer version of the corresponding firmware in order to upgrade it.
This is why you will need to change the product code of your phone into a
non-branded product code, before running NSU.
Download the « NSS » software in order to change the phone’s product code.
This is a shareware program that you can download on the site of its author here :
After that, download the following program: gsm-magic
(this is not a crack, but a program that allows the activation of any disabled
option on no matter what program).
And finally, download NSU here: NSU.,1522,...softwareupdate
Install NSS
Install NSU
Connect your phone and wait for Windows to install the drivers.
Open NSS and click on “Scan for new device” on the right-upper part of the window
Click on the icon « Phone info »
Click on “Scan”
Open « gsm-magic » without closing NSS, then push the button « Enable » of “gsm-magic”.
As you can see, now you can change the product code (on the right of the « phone info »
window of NSS). For a Nokia 6680, type the product code 0521637
(this is the product code for France!) and then mark the case “Enable”.
Now press “Write”, and your phone’s product code will be changed
(you might think that nothing happened, because the phone is still in normal mode,
and the changing of the product code only takes a couple of seconds, but don’t worry,
the product code changed !).
Close NSS and “gsm-magic” and you can proceed now with the NSU flashing.
When the flashing with NSU is over, start-up your phone and you’ll have the pleasant
surprise that your phone’s firmware is the latest Nokia non-branded firmware in date!
NOTE: I advise you to disable any antivirus and firewall on your PC during the flashing.
In order to find out the product code for other phone models,
download the firmware for your phone model, connect your phone to NSS, click « Scan »,
then « Flash », and after that look for your product code when on « Market »
you will see your country. Write down this number, then you can start the manipulation as
described above. Anyway, we will soon have the product codes for all the models,
so we won’t need this step.
Product code E61 0529663
product code N70 0523982
product code N80 0526966
product code 6680 0521637
product code 6630 0518104
N80 UK - 0529378

Nokia N95 and N95 8GB product codes.
Please note, you should not use a N95 product code on a N95 8GB (and vise versa) unless you REALLY know what you're doing and are prepared to kill your handset.

n95 8gb euro1 (uk) - 0549487
n95 normal - euro1uk - 0536062

If the links above don't work, search google for NSS and GSM Magic.

easy if you follow the instructions. I accept no blame for any f ups.
  ex Clio 172 owner :(
further to this.... if you have access to applications and specifically ones that need signing,

search the internet for a file called drakkarious.sis

install it, follow the instructions with it and bobs your uncle, you can install any app signed or unsigned

futhermore, you can now have access to private folders within your n95's operating system and can change all sorts.

I changed mine to start up like windows xp removing the nokia handshake and sound.

plenty forums out there if you search for it.
  ex Clio 172 owner :(
slide helper is an excellent app to have.

immediately locks keypad upon slide close rather than having to wait a few seconds. Plus, you can set it to have sound effects upon opening and closing. I searched for light saber effects and mine sounds like a slight saber firing up on opeing slide and shutting down on closing slide.

Yes, terribly geeky!
  ex Clio 172 owner :(
if you debrand your phone you won't lose any apps. If you just debrand it you won't notice any change. The whole point of debranding it is so that next time you go to update it you get the generic firmware rather than a network specific one. When you update it, you will lose apps. I think it's usually beneficial to debrand and update and then just reinstall apps. That said, i don't like this v30 and now I'm stuck with it. The share online thing on the desktop is bugging me and there's a few other niggly things. V20 is better and a worthwhile update for most people. Sorry for lack of formatting in this post, done quickly on my phone!
  ex Clio 172 owner :(
you only ever need to change the product code ie debrand it once by the way. It's permanent, unless you change it again yourself. You will lose messages, contacts etc during an update unless they've all been copied to mass memory from which you copy back after update. To be on safe side, i always copy everything to my pc.
Make sure you phone has plenty charge when updating
auto rotate as standard for classic n95 owners. Just found it in the menu. Saves having to install any third party stuff now :)
  ex Clio 172 owner :(
tbh I think rotateme2.0 is better than the built in one as you can change it's sensitivity. Landscape Pro is good too as you can rotate left and right.

built in rotate on v30 is too desensitive and slow.


Gonna miss this one out, too much hassle tbh. unles there was a major change and benefit to be had.
Chris 1.4RT

I tried debranding my phone using your instructions downloaded the relevant software, I can open the NSS, scan for the phone, enter the number tick the enable box and click write, but then nothing happens, also when I come to close NSS I get error messages which I just ok through.

I then went into NSU going though the boxes and when it says what firmware I can upgrade to it's the same as what I've got atm.

Is there something that I'm missing????
tbh I think rotateme2.0 is better than the built in one as you can change it's sensitivity. Landscape Pro is good too as you can rotate left and right.

built in rotate on v30 is too desensitive and slow.

But you dont get an application appearing in the running menu list with the built in one. RotateMe2 always ended up getting in the way
  Fiat Punto GT
Since updating my phone to v30 I've noticed the battery doesn't last half as long as it used to.

I've checked there are no apps open, but there aren't. Any ideas?
  ex Clio 172 owner :(
Chris 1.4RT

I tried debranding my phone using your instructions downloaded the relevant software, I can open the NSS, scan for the phone, enter the number tick the enable box and click write, but then nothing happens, also when I come to close NSS I get error messages which I just ok through.

I then went into NSU going though the boxes and when it says what firmware I can upgrade to it's the same as what I've got atm.

Is there something that I'm missing????

Are you running the gsmmagic thing too?

It's been a while since I debranded my phone but iirc nothing will appear to happen, you type the new number in and click write (write will look grey as if you cant click it but you can).

Then go to NSU and update. If you've done it right then it'll say V30 is available.

as for the built in auto rotate its in tools, settings, general, personalisation, display, rotate screen.
think it only appears from V20 onwards.

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