Glad to hear your ok after that, mine was on a dual carridge way, in the inside land, doing bout 50, saw an obstruction ahead, tried to pull out to overtake, and someone pulled out infront of me, i hit them, then was hit from behind by another 2 cars. I got straight out the car perfectly fine, the people in the car infront of me had minor injuries, and a biker that was going too fast and following too close was quite badly hurt.
Police interviewed me 5 months later, when they said they would come to see within 3 weeks. By that time i had forgotten most of what had happened, said they were coming for a "chat", got here, took notes of everything i said, then cautioned me.
Went to court, and found out that the Police had told all the other witnesses what to write in their statements and they had all been seen a within a month after the accident.
I feel sorry for the biker guy, but i dont think it was my fault, as he hit a vehicle behind mine.
I think i was just seen as the easiest peron to charge, being young, on a 6 point licence and what have you. But what really p1ssed me off about the accident was that i used the road every week day in the 9 months leading up to the accident, and had i been doing my usual 70 (ish) down the outside lane over taking, i would ahve been fine.
I caused asolute traffic cahos as well, if anyone is from Nottingham, i was the person (according to the Police and CPS) who shut the A610 for 6 hours about a year and a half ago.