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need a new budget ish phone

already have a bberry curve for work but wanting a cheap but good personal phone,

Been looking at the lg secret kf 750. £119 from a certain phone warehouse

what u think of them?
I had the Secret before my iPisch. It was ok, tended to freeze quite a bit and have problems with receiving texts sometimes - it'd show full signal but wouldn't receive anything. One day I had about 16 texts from that day come through when I turned it off and back on. Not really ideal. I thought I was unpopular for a time. ;) The touchscreen works - the little lights behind them tend to break though.
w**k phones.

The g/f had one. Well, I say one, she had about 4 as they kept f**king up. You're female I take it? As no male would want a phone that's also a mirror?

Get an iphone, they are cheap now, £342 on payg. I can't text with mine yet though.
