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New Cambelt Problem


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio sport cup 172
Yea that worked lol cheers you are being such a good help I was going to drill a new hole for it and bolt together lol but it's way too long as it leaves a big gap as in picture think I'm going to return it and get a better one


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ClioSport Club Member
  Clio sport cup 172
Hi everyone I have managed to change the belt but when manually turning the engine over I hear a faint tick I'm not sure if it's normal or there before but I don't want to go to the effort of putting it back in the car only to fine I have to take it out again can anyone help with this cheers


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio sport cup 172
I suppose one question is if I was one tooth out on the dephaser would this cause that noise
  dan's cast offs.
it's not really a case of being 'one tooth out' you 100% certain crank was locked correctly?


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio sport cup 172
Well yeah I had the locking tool in and the cam horseshoe and the flywheel mark in line with 0 but my horseshoe cam lock is slightly bent and I mean slightly not enough in my opinion to be out on the dephaser by one tooth think it's just the cheaply manufactured


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio sport cup 172
Ah I have just spotted my tensioner mark was out so I just adjusted it but it became loose it seems I have cracked the thread so it won't tighten properly so need to get some threaded bar to replace it now maybe the clicking was the tensioner loosening off very strange as I never horsed it up
  Clio 182
I did my 182 cambelt myself and I used the genuine Renault tools. I work as a mechanic so I wasn't put off by doing the cambelt. It's pretty straightforward. I just took my time and uses the correct tools. My Clio is running fine and has had no problems with it since the belts have been done when I did them on Christmas Eve. Like others have said just make sure genuine tools are used.
Renault were the last people to do mine before I brought the car and the timing was out plus they never did the dephaser and charged £876 for the privilege.
It's not always a specialist job as long as you know what you are doing and are careful. But like the specialist on here say "genuine tools are a must".
