There has been repeated debates about whether or not a new clio is being released soon ......many of the opinion that there isnt one due till 2005 (erm...what a laugh....Renault musnt want to keep ahead of the market or make any more money in this market sector then, coz if they keep this shape for another 2 years I for one will be very sick of the sight of it when other car companies will have been through another 2 facelifts in the same time) Well they might want to read the awards special issue of Auto Express. Got it today and there happens to be a very interesting little article on the front page about the new clio due for launch in January next year! And like Ive said before it shares the micra platform! So to sum up there is a new clio at the end of this year and yes it does share the micra platform and yes the 172 cup is the last Renault sport clio until the new 2 lite turbo with 200 odd brake is released at the end of 2004! Maybe now you will believe. (Wheres Jeremy?) Proof yet again that Renault dont even know when their own car models are being replaced, dont know sod all about them, and dont even want to sell them to potentisal customers ringing up for information! The launch is set for early 2004 and the final model will be a convertible clio to rival the 206CC which will be released in 2005. THE END. Did anyone honestly think this shape would last another 2 years or so? hmmmm.............scary thought?