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New here!!

  Impreza STi Type R
Hey guys, new to the forum, my Mrs has just bought a 2003 Clio Sport 172 in silver :cool:

She had a Swift Sport before and fancied something a bit quicker, fair play the 172 is pretty nippy!!

I've already got some plans for it :D

Any recommendations for remapping companies in the South? I've got a 2.1 Impreza STi at the moment so not new to the tuning scene, but new to the Renault and NA tuning!!

Cheers for any advice,

  Impreza STi Type R
Cheers guys :)

Been looking at K-Tec, they've got some good bits for it, hmmm throttle bodies ;)

I've seen that the melting steering wheel is the norm, gonna look at changing it for a newer model one eventually! I'll bang some pics up later, just given it a quick claying, the paint was bogging fair play!

The Swift was a nice mover but it revved quite high, 4k at around 70 on the motorway seemed like it needed an extra gear! Would a six speed from the Megane fit these?
  Impreza STi Type R
Here's a few pics !!






And here's the clay :eek:

