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New member for a simple reason.

  Clio 182
Hi guys.

I'm new on here and to be honest I'm a Member over on the 350z forum (que the booing) :p but I've signed up here today as I actually have a 172 for sale. I understand the rules of forums and I can't post in the forsale section as of yet but just wanted to put the feelers out there.

The car was bought as a project a few years ago (2000 W Reg) and has hardly been used. I'm going to get some pics but she needs a bit of work. She's missing the fog lights and also will prob need new seats but apart from that she's fine. I've had some paint done on her and the milage is very low around the 40k mark but il get all the definitive info in the morning when I get to the garage.

This will make a lovely project for someone to finish off and I'm looking for a quick sale so after the pics come in il be open to offers. (no room on the drive anymore so has to go)

If anyone has any advise on my best course of action I'd be most grateful for it

Thanks guy.

  Clio 182
Ha jees,

U can tell I jumped on here before without reading the fine print. I just assumed it was a post related issue with the classifieds. Il have a look round and sort out the membership tomorrow and get some pics up.

Thanks for the help.
