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New member, help needed

  FD3S & Clio 1.4
Hi Folks,

New member here from Ayrshire, Scotland.

I currently drive a silver 1.4 dynamqiue + Clio as my daily commuter. Its completely standard bar some OZ alloys. Got them from a friend and ive been told they were an extra on some models from factory. Can anyone shed light on the model of the wheels? They were painted red as a DIY job so look past there best.

Anyways im looking to stick some coilovers on them and came across the raceland ones which people go on about and with the price they come in at i cant complain. My question is what boltspace size do i need for my model? Its a 51 plate if that helps?



ClioSport Club Member
Im going to assume they are f1's, but without seeing a picture cant comment.

  FD3S & Clio 1.4

Yes i know they look horrid in the red but thats them there. They came on my friends clio he got from a showroom. Were silver before wth the usual OZ decals
