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New Member Just Sayin HI :)

  06 Clio 1.2
Just posting as im new to the site

i own a 06 plate 1.2 campus 8v in black with a renault sport sticker on the front in white ... i no its only a baby but its my 1st car so im happy with it.

I would appreciate any tips in general modding of my clio e.g air filters, performance and sound

Hope to come to a meet soon to see what the general jist is like of this group of people.

I bet your wondering why sheepish???, well because of my hair its like a sheep

Thanks For Reading

Modding tips? Save your cash for when you can insure a faster car and put it towards that. Young lads make the mistake of pissing a fortune up the wall modding cheap small engined cars that would be better put towards their next one instead.


aka Philomena Cunk aka Barry Shitpeas
ClioSport Club Member
I know it's boring but open a bank account, every time you've saved enough money for a new mod put it in the bank,
then after a year or so you will be able to insure a quicker car, and you'll have some no claims discout if you're lucky.

Seeing as it's your first car you're probably excited and want to make it your own, i'd say just make it look nice,
get some cheap lowering springs some nice alloys, colour code some trim pieces and cruise around picking up the honeys.

However if any of this changes you insurance policy don't do it.


ClioSport Club Member
  Elise, 530d
All of those do Dave.

As above, modifying cars is a waste of money at our age! Hence why I bought a Bora. Then started pissing money all over it.

Welcome btw, and enjoy this place. BTW There is a section for new members, it's right at the top ;)


aka Philomena Cunk aka Barry Shitpeas
ClioSport Club Member
Ah the advantage of being 35 and having cheap insurance, i've done loads to my car and not one thing has changed my policy,
but then I am with a modified car insurer that won't insure people below a certain age.

Sorry lads;)
  A red missile
Ah the advantage of being 35 and having cheap insurance, i've done loads to my car and not one thing has changed my policy,
but then I am with a modified car insurer that won't insure people below a certain age.

Sorry lads;)

Heh heh being an old fart has it's rewards ;)

I live in one of the worst areas in the UK to insurance a performance car, still only just over £400 to insure a trophy - good times :)
  06 Clio 1.2
No i mean the general mods like a cd player which can play an ipod haha, :), lookin at a skyline GTR but we can all hope and dream :)
ahh i didnt see the section at the top... god my eyes are bad :O
and yes my hairs curly and wooly ;)
