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New member saying hi

  Clio sport 182
Hi everyone well I bought a black 54 plate 182 for the second time. Had one 5 years ago but had to sell cause of twins were on the way. I only had this one for two weeks now it's done 48000 miles with history had cambelt done. But soon has I got it home warm I heard the diesel noise from engine upon research found it to be dephaser so £750 later it's all good. Was going get wheels sprayed but no money left so thinking of a DIY job. Ones very tatty they aren't grey they the standard silver colour but want them either black or grey. Everything's pretty much standard bar some graphics front an back. I live in Stoke-on-Trent. If anyone's in the area let me know.


ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
I'm not in the area. (don't look out the window...)

But welcome to the club. :)
