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New Member

  Clio MK1
Hey everyone

I passed my test last week and today i got myself a little 1.2 Clio MK1

Was gonna post some pictures but its nothing special :lolup:

Basically joined up incase i need any advice with my car or any tips and hints about the car and dealing with it.

I want to get some alloys for it and get a stereo so there a given.

Don't really fancy the whole hog with body kits and the like but maybe a little roof spoiler and a white strip would look fab against the metallic racing green it is.

One little issue with the clutch, is it is bit tough to push down at first but you get past a point then its smooth.

I was wondering if there was anything i could do or buy to make the clutch bit more smooth

Thanks guys, looks like an ace forum

All the best
