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New Phone and Contract

  Mito Sportiva 135
FINALLY got my new upgrade from Orange and very happy as I also managed to negotiate a better deal.

Got the new Samsung Tocco, great piece of kit. Well made, solid, looks good and all the features and more the iPhone should have had (including the new one).

I am on Dolphin 35 but thanks to my 2 years of - 10% and then - 5% discounts I was on just over £30 p/m, but got an extra £5 per month taken off PLUS an extra 100 cross network minutes. Basically, will be paying just over £25 a month for 700 minutes and unlimited texts and got a phone which I prefer in many ways to the iPhone.

Very happy!
  Mito Sportiva 135
Whenever I see someone with an iPhone I can't help but feel "victim". Yes it's a great piece of kit but just don't want to be one of those people where everyone says "ooh you have an iPhone, let me see" ... this way I have a very similar phone which is better in many ways but just a bit more discreet as not everyone will know what it is.

I would put it on par with the new iPhone, I prefer the navigation on the Tocco, much better camera, radio and general functionality but think the iPhone's net scrolling is better and the screen is apparently slightly better on the iPhone too, although the Tocco's seems excellent to me. The haptic feedback is also very nice.

So far been playing with it a lot and still 3/3 on the battery bar too, which was a concern as I can't stand phone's you have to charge every day.

Anyway, not claiming it is better than the iPhone but certainly a very worthy competitor, bringing some nice new tricks to the table and can be found on some great tarrifs.
  Mito Sportiva 135
Well not really sure what you mean as it's not as touch it and it works! Unless you are after telepathic phones, works absolutely fine for me...maybe you have rubbish fingers or something?!? ;)

Had to give it a charge yesterday as it was getting low, but still lasted 3 days with lots of f**king about on it which seems pretty good.
