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New rear windscreen... possibly front too...Help?

Yeah so when I removed the last tint on my Clio the rear heating element effectively came off too, it won't demist at all anymore apart from the bottom line partially. I have priced rear windscreens on eBay for about £60-70 +P&P, any idea if I can get it cheaper than this? Or even if there is a remedy?

Also there is a deepish scratch in my windscreen which obscures my driving at daytime, any thoughts on this? Can I get it removed or am I going to have to lash out more money for a new one too? :(

Any help appreciated.


ClioSport Club Member
I'm interested in this too, I only have 3 lines working. It's been like that since I got the car 6 years ago.
I did buy some of the repair paint but cannot see any breaks in the circuit.
Make sure your covered on insurance and...? is one idea..

If not buy the glass and have a professional fit it, possibly out of hours for cash.
Yeah, to be honest I'm not covered on my insurance for windscreens which is an absolute b***h, but I did buy some of the repair paint but I haven't used it yet. If it helps the breaks are the darker bits if your looking from the inside of the car.

I think I'll check the scrap dealers, hopefully they'll have one cheap. Is it just sealed with silicon around the edges like regular glass?

And any ideas on removing this scratch?
Ive tried using a silver contact paint on my old car, i could see where the breaks where, i got some lines to work but it was hard to do without making a mess, its very sloppy, even when i masked the lines the silver seeped through... nightmare.

Ive heard the rear screen is a bit of a pig to change over but a professional wont have too much bother.

For the scratch you can buy kits, a machine polisher and jewellers rouge is whats used i think, search detailing world at a guess for information :)
Cheers mate, I've had the car since April and its finally peev'd me off enough just to make me fix it, so that means new rear windscreen then...

I'll see about the windscreen, hopefully it'll be an easy fix, I can already see some kits on eBay.
Scrap dealers is gonna' get a nice little enquiry tomorrow then :)

Pity that the element reapir stuff cost me £15 though, waste... :S

Cheers mate, will keep updated!
Im not 100% but its best to get a professional to fit it... ive read various things from leaking, to its also a structural parts of the car and needs to be bonded on properly etc...

Stick the kit on ebay someone will have it.
