Quote: Originally posted by Smokey on 11 October 2004
hehe cheers lads, im well happy, just need to pick it up now.Will have it about 1:30 tomorrow.Was even more chuffed with the price, my max bid was £11,500 so saved £900.Coilovers/Viper I/K and Super Ls will go straight on then will have to get the tracking sorted and give it a oil change.With the money we saved im either thinking about getting Alpine Sat-Nav/DVD Head Unit or one of those Kenwood/Sony Hard Drive head units that hold 5000 tracks.Will get some more pics up tomorrow.
If you want a harddrive based unit, check out www.empegbbs.com. Ive got one, runs linux, you can change the harddrive if you want (takes 2 laptop drives). Only issue is that the whole HU pulls out rather than just the face place.
You could probably pick one up for ~£300 second hand. You also need an amp as it doesnt have one on-board.
If you want to see it in action, drop me a bell and Ill meet up with you or something.