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New Wheels

  Clio 172 cup

I have just bought some new wheels of a member on here so i thought i would share a picture!

Before picture of wheels that were on car when i bought it! (personally hated them!)

photo (2).jpgphoto (3).jpg

Sorry for poor quality pictures.

I was just thinking of lowering it on some sport lines and a Skoda splitter and leaving it at that!

Comments welcome!


ClioSport Club Member
  Superleggera'd Bean
Looks a lot better mate!

Whereabouts did you get this from? I remember going to see one with those exact wheels on a while back (end of summer maybe?) and when I went to see it, it had just been broken into and the spare had been nicked lol.


North Yorkshire & Humber
ClioSport Area Rep
Looks a lot better. I personally wouldn't bother with sportlines if you want lowz - coilovers or standard IMO.


aka Philomena Cunk aka Barry Shitpeas
ClioSport Club Member
Those wheels look loads better, sportlines do lower it a little over standard and firm it up a bit,
Skoda splitters are dirt cheap so that's a winner.

If you can get some sportlines second hand in the for sale section then you're laughing.

Cheap mods FTW. :cool:


Hi Kiss Luke E****
ClioSport Club Member
  981 Cayman GTS
Much better.

Sportlines are perfect for cup's imo. They seem to be a little nose high as standard, the springs seem to level them out.
