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Newbie from Northern Ireland

  Black Ph2 172
Hi everyone,

Just signed up, don't own a cliosport yet but I'm on the look out for one.
Currently driving an e36 328i coupe and can't wait to get rid!! Have owned a gsi cavalier (which was the worst car i've ever owned) and my first car was a vts saxo.

Hopefully I'll be a 172 owner soon time soon :).
  1.6 Focus, 1.6 122S

I've just gone from a Clio 182 to now owning a E36 328i so opposite way round! 1*2's are great little cars, you'll definitely enjoy it!
  Black Ph2 172
Hi Saner,

Used to love my bimmer but the roads had other ideas and have just destroyed my suspension and shocks.
I think i'm going to have to take a trip over the water to find myself a 172...not many about for sale over here.
Can't wait to get myself one tho.

Thanks for welcome
  Black Ph2 172
Looked at a black 2003 172 yesterday at a dealers...left a deposit and now just waiting for it to go through mot on Tuesday. 53000miles, part service history, belts have been done, 3 months warranty and standard apart from a stainless steel exhaust.

To say i'm excited is an understatement :D
