Hi all,
New on here so I thought I would say hi firstly and then ask for some advice/opinions from the more experienced clio owners out there!
I'm currently using the new tdci fiesta as a run around for commuting etc and have some free £££ to get myself a pocket rocket project car.
I am wanting to spend up to 5k on a decent clio and then plough some money into making it even better than it already is!
I have been looking at the 182 Cup for some time, umming and ahhing really - I have owned a clio in the past and it was, without doubt, the worst car I have ever owned for reliability, the common TDC/ECU/Wiring loom/tapping issues. But saying that, I am willing to take the plunge and go for it as it is not going to be my everyday car.
First question
... is 5k enough to get a really nice example 182/cup. If so, which variant would anyone suggest? It is going to be used for fast road/occasional track use (eventually).
Secondly, I have been researching the k-tec itb's etc and would like to know if they are worth the money they cost? Any experiences of them would be gratefully recieved.
Anyway, that's enough for now! Thanks for reading and I look forward to any replies
New on here so I thought I would say hi firstly and then ask for some advice/opinions from the more experienced clio owners out there!
I'm currently using the new tdci fiesta as a run around for commuting etc and have some free £££ to get myself a pocket rocket project car.
I am wanting to spend up to 5k on a decent clio and then plough some money into making it even better than it already is!
I have been looking at the 182 Cup for some time, umming and ahhing really - I have owned a clio in the past and it was, without doubt, the worst car I have ever owned for reliability, the common TDC/ECU/Wiring loom/tapping issues. But saying that, I am willing to take the plunge and go for it as it is not going to be my everyday car.
First question
Secondly, I have been researching the k-tec itb's etc and would like to know if they are worth the money they cost? Any experiences of them would be gratefully recieved.
Anyway, that's enough for now! Thanks for reading and I look forward to any replies