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Newbie looking into buying 172

  Saxo vtr/s
Hi, i currently own a 03 saxo vtr and im looking into buying a 172 soon. Debaiting whether to go for a cup or a FF version.

Just wanted to find some info about buying them and what to look out for,etc.
  Saxo vtr/s
I mean the normal 172s not the cups. Im now looking into 182 with being newer, lower mileage, more toys, etc. Looking at spending about £4500 max.
  172cup/ insignia
Hi welcome to the club iv recently got a 172 cup and its the most fun iv had driving in the last 6 years, the handling is amazing and very quick off the line and the exhaust note at about 5k+ even from the standard exhaust is nice. I also test drove the 182 FF and didnt seem any quicker than the 172 cup was a bit more comfy tho, depends what you are looking for in a car.
