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Newbie saying Hello


ClioSport Club Member
  Titanium Ph1 172
Hey guys,

Just joined up to as I've been noseying around as a visitor for a couple days.

I drive a Black 53 plate 1.4 16V Clio Dynamique, it's my first car and I've had her for around three months now. She's still bog standard, but I have a few idea's in my head for what I wanna do to her.

A little about me, I'm based near Oakham on an RAF camp (although I'm Navy, not RAF) working on the extinct Harrier jump jets. 19 years young and originally from Dundee.

Thought I'd just say hello :)
  Clio S mk.2 ph.1

I 've also just joined but thought i would say hello regardless.
ive seen some pics of yours and its looking good.
ive got a 2000reg 1.4 Clio S and im in the same position as you got a few ideas what i want to do, ill get some pictures up soon!


ClioSport Club Member
  Titanium Ph1 172

I 've also just joined but thought i would say hello regardless.
ive seen some pics of yours and its looking good.
ive got a 2000reg 1.4 Clio S and im in the same position as you got a few ideas what i want to do, ill get some pictures up soon!

Thanks man!

What sort of plans do you have for yours? Yeah get some pics up on here so we can all have a gander at your Clio :)


ClioSport Club Member
  Titanium Ph1 172
Looks really good and super clean too, thumbs up!

Get her some new shoes and lower her, will look awesome
  Clio S mk.2 ph.1
cheers man!

not too sure how much to drop by, but definately needs slamming! All the roads to my street have speedhumps though...bad times
