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Newbie saying Helloooo

  BG RS182 1/2 fat :)
Hi guys,
Im new on here. Bought a standard Black/Gold 04reg 182 Sport last week.
Heres a few pics of it after giving it a clean on Weekend (altho you all know how a stock 182 looks,lol)........







Have got some plans for it,which i'll be starting soon :D .

Mike :) .
  BG RS182 1/2 fat :)
Cheers guys :D .
Thats my son Calvin,he's only 19months old but loves it!lol. He points at cars & says 'brrrrrm' . My 4yr old daughter is the same!lol.

The paint work is a mess on it TBH,so its having a full respray next month.
Wheels have alot of curb marks so there getting re-furbed & Powder coated aswel.
& also a full service with both belts.
Then theres a couple of little bits to sort out........ All over the next 4-6 weeks.

Then once its perfect....bring on the mods :D .
