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Newbie thinking of getting Clio 197/200

  Audi A3 TDI 2.0 Spor
Hello all

My name is Daniel, 23 years old and from West London (Ruislip Area). Currently own an Audi A3 Sport TDI 140 but i am seriously considering px it for a Clio 197/200. Let me now if anyones interested ;)

so here is a list of previous cars, (try not to laugh at some of them )

Okay this was my second car (Had a rover before this too), think i was 17 still when i had this. Pile of crap


The Decided to upgrade ever so slightly to this. To be fair it was actually a really good car especially in the twisties


Then i treated myself to this when i was 20. Probably the best car i ever owned. Great performance, so addictive in VTEC and it just made me smile every day. Spent ££'s on this. Hondata ECU, Gruppe M induction, Spoon system, M factory LSD, Tein coilovers ....The list just goes on. Still miss her






Sold that civic and the went a bought another one which had been turbo charged! The power on this was pretty amazing but at the same time i also shat myself driving it. Was more a straight line car then a track car.





And finally the audi. Only got the 1 picture


Look forward to my stay
