Hi all,
This is my 1st post so excuse my extreme newbiness
Ive just bought a clio 172 over the weekend with 17,000 miles on the clock and 1 previous owner. I havent really put my foot down on it yet, only up to about 4 - 5,000rpm. Well I let my mate have a drive earlier in it and the guy absolutely floored the hell out of it taking it into near enough the red, making all other cars look like they were parked, even a golf GTI, boy was i sh*tting my pants, I didnt realise how much oomph the car had!
I was just looking for some answers that would help me understand what the car is capable of and what procedures I should take to keep it up together.
1. Is it ok to drive it as fast as my mate did often?
2. Ive been using super-unleaded and normal unleaded, is that ok? or should I stick to the super-unleaded fuel?
3. My old car which was a Cavalier 2.0, used to be at around 3,000rpm when cruising on the motorway at 70mph, in the Clio its at 60mph at the same revs, is it ok to drive for long periods above 3,000rpm?
4. when I park the car up, theres crackling noises underneath the car. Similar to when you turn an electric heater off, is this normal?
5. Do you know anyone who knows less than me?!
Thanks in advance and any other tips would be really appreciated!