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  182 & 600 CBR RR7
I've posted a bit before but not posted here as I didnt have a clio. Now i have one so Hi!

Picked up my BG 182 last wednesday havent stopped smiling since.

I was trying to get a liquid yellow one but I needed to change cars asap so settled for a black one.



and a picture for you to guess where I'm from...


I'm joining as a member over the weekend once I've been paid...
  Clio 182
Ooo that wouldn't be Southend by any chance would it! I'll keep an eye out for you when I'm down that way. Nice car btw :approve:
  182 & 600 CBR RR7
Yepyep sunny old Southend! lol @ Yarmouth!

I havent really seen any clios around since i've had mine but i'm keeping an eye out, I should be out and about Saturday night...


ClioSport Admin
  LY 220 Trophy
Excellent - Another Essex member (soon anyway) hopefully we'll see you at some of the essex meets. No doubt there will be some in southend when the weather improves in 2009.
  182 & 600 CBR RR7
Yeah I've seen the bluewater meet in Feb, hopefully I can make that. Definatly can't wait for the better weather
