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Newbie (:

  mk1 ph3 1.4s Clio
Hi all,
Im joe, im 20 years old and from folkestone in kent,

Im new to the french scene, ive had nova's corsa's, gsi rep astra van, a rover :clown:, a sunny gti-R, an escort, a seicento which got written off by an artic, theres more but ive just got in from work and cant think lol.

Anyway, ive got a mk1 ph3 clio, its a 1.4 (S) which i assume means its a sporty one, its got RCL, E/W, PAS etc etc, and a taped up sunroof :dapprove:, lexarse lights,
anywhoooo, il be posting up a couple of wanted posts as i need a couple of bits for mine and all my local scrappers have made tin cans from them as no one wants parts...

Any members local?,

