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No Dials or Trip Computer.

  FF 182
I had someone ask me about there clio sport. they have lost the dials and also the trip computer is not working. any ideas.

just a fuse?


  RS 182 - Black Gold
Sounds like a faulty display unit.

Dash off etc... check the connector blocks have not come off.

Also check fusebox.
  FF 182
yeah it is one of my stepdads friends son or something. he phoned up and asked if i knew wat might be. do u know fuse locations for the dials and trip comp.


  RS 182 - Black Gold
I assume they will all be located in the same place. Passanger side of dash. Small flap which pulls off.

Be warned a lot of the fuses are the very small ones.

If the car is under warrenty take it back and get it sorted, lot of work involved if your going to do it yourself.

(Specially if your changing the unit)
Remove the dash top unbolt the dials board tilt it upwards and check the two plugs are pluged in on the back of the dashboard.
  FF 182
i think thats wat i gonna do. speak to him again check if in warranty and take the dash top off to check plugs
  Iceberg 172
Hey ian it was me that called :)

Sadly its not under warranty. Its a 51 plate 172 ph2. I've checked all the mildly relevant fuses on the side of the dash but they all appear to be ok. Nothing in the handbook or the fuse map thing seem to be related to the dash. I dont have a map for the fuses next to the battery in the engine bay but after a quick poke around with a torch i couldnt see any that were dead. I didnt wanna take any out without knowing what they are related to.

I may have to take it to a garage if it means taking the dash off. I only have a parking space at my place so its not ideal for pulling the car apart.

I had a look under the dash above the pedals and couldnt see anything particularly loose but I couldnt concentrate much by that pont because my feet were up by the headrests on the passenger side! :S
I'd save go through all your fuses first i've found systems run through fuses that have absolutely no connection to the pic on the fusebox. It won't be anything to do with the engine bay fuse box chances are if everything else it working it will be the instrument panel or wiring
