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hello can anyone help me my power steerings broken

i think it must be leaking somewhere because there was fluid on my drive this morning, i thought it was coming from the radiator as it was dripping from there, what can it be a broken hose or has the pump gone,

or steering rack! ?

when i turn the car on it was making a hissing/grinding noise every second or so like pressure was coming out from somewhere

expensive job?

my car is k reg 1.8 16v clio btw :(

dont run the car, can ruin your rack. At worst it pump can seize, causing the belt to slip and causing you all sorts of problems.......can be an expensive job depending on whats gone. Could be the pipe that runs from the pump to the rack, £40 form Reno and a c**t to fit, could be pump....big bucks again labour wise. Best time to convert to non PAS mate, change the rack and column over and get a non-pas kit from Bondy.

yes, bondy provides manual kits... check that the hose hasnt just simply slipped off the ps fluid tank. and that all connections are on your rack, reconnect, top up and rebleed.. still having problems.. then start fault undue noise form ps pump, rack ect etc.

Quote: Originally posted by clean16v on 26 April 2005
dont run the car, can ruin your rack. At worst it pump can seize, causing the belt to slip and causing you all sorts of problems.......can be an expensive job depending on whats gone. Could be the pipe that runs from the pump to the rack, £40 form Reno and a c**t to fit, could be pump....big bucks again labour wise. Best time to convert to non PAS mate, change the rack and column over and get a non-pas kit from Bondy.

Im with clean16v on this one.

To me it sounds like the pipe from the pump to the rack, It went on my old 16v when the car was jacked up having some new wheels fitted. I was along way from home but still drove it back without PS, Which wasnt nice.
Got the pipe fitted with a mate and that was a killer job, Took us nearly a day!!!
A few weeks later i had to have my steering rack replaced due to me driving it without PS.

Where was the fluid leaking from?????

If it was leaking at the front of the car near to the alternator you can almost certainly bet its the above.

it might be a hose or it could be coming from the radiator , power stearing fluid goes through a small oil cooler built into the radiator to help keep the oil cool , fill it up with more fluid and start the car it should help pinpoint where its leaking

brian ;)

thanks for comments lads i think it must be the hose as its dripping out where the alternator is but on the front of the radiator gonna top it up and find out if i need to make a trip to good ol renault garage to buy a hose

im gonna keep me pas as im a lazy bugger :D

thanks again
