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  Clio, Meriva
Hi, new to all this.
98 clio 1.4 has just started making a high pitched whine and I don't know what it is (sounds like the noise in your head when the dentist is drilling a tooth) - it's very loud
N/s/r bearing is on its way and noisy, getting replaced next week, BUT this new noise sounded like front end. When I played around a bit I can replicate the noise sometimes, like taking a right handed corner sharply does it sometimes. Initially I thought it was the n/s/r bearing but I had to do a 3 point turn on a small road earlier and it started making the noise during the turn, then when I set off it started again so I slowed and then accelerated again - more noise... I then slowly 'pumped' the throttle and it made the noise each time I accelerated.
I believe the n/s c.f. joint it on its way out, could it be this? Or something else?

  Clio 182
Aux belt slipping.
But in all honesty it's pure guess work and we will all be leading you in different directions untill we get a video
  Clio, Meriva
I've tried to video it but no luck... I'm pretty certain it's not the belt, nor the brakes.
Out on a drive today I did 50/60 for about 5-10 mins and then went round a few corners and got a bit of the noise. Each time I tried to record it stopped. Seems to be when I turn and then accelerate after straightening up...

It is VERY loud - metallic sounding. Like the noise a swing makes, only you have your head inside the steel tubes...

CV joint ain't great and the gaitor is split... I'm hoping it's that the joint is dry/dirty and its making noise when it gets some heat in it. 2nd October it's getting a new driveshaft so only time will tell I think...
