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Nokia Morph Concept

  Mito Sportiva 135
Couldn't find this already posted, if so I apologise.

Looks a little more sophisticated than my old 5110
  BMW e46 320 Ci Sport
pretty cool i must say, got me looking at the other new ones, nokia aeon etc. can't wait tbh!


Erm does any else get the feelng, this will never happen ?? nokia are on acid!
  Mito Sportiva 135
Already seen that nano technology exists for these purposes, but the stuff I saw had a rubbish resolution and contrast on the screen and I imagine it would be too expensive to put into mass production at the moment.

Give it ten years I think and could definitely be a winner, the self cleaning and solar charging abilities alone are cool, but the shapes will also be maleable so can change like you see in the video from a watch to a more conventional phone shape to a keyboard.

Makes you think those badges they had to communicate in Star Trek are a bit lame though doesn't it! Plus 400 years in the future, they can travel at 10 times the speed of light yet still haven't found a solution to Jean Luc's baldness...
