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Nokia n73 music edition(contract take over?)

  monaco blue 172 ..
Due to losing my job,:( i want to know if anyone wants to take over my mobile phone contract .
Ita a NOKIA N73 music edition(black) with the 2GB memory card only had it just over a month so as you can imagen its a brand new phone ,
its on 02 £35 month 400 cross network mins + 100 texts with about 11 mnths remaining .. anyone in the chesterfield area please let me know if ya interested
i would just have to phone 02 up and update the details so would mean meeting up.....
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  R35 GTR
Due to losing my job,:( i want to know if anyone wants to take over my mobile phone contract .
Ita a NOKIA N73 music edition with the 2GB memory card only had it just over a month so as you can imagen its a brand new phone ,
its on 02 £35 month 400 cross network mins + 100 texts with about 11 mnths remaining .. anyone in the chesterfield area please let me know if ya interested
i would just have to phone 02 up and update the details so would mean meeting up.....

sell the phone to pay for the contract.
  6/468 17poo
think ul find it hard for someone to take up the contract, id personally sell the phone and then cancel, or just keep it!

feel for ya mate
  monaco blue 172 ..
£385 to be exact thats working it out at £35 X 11months left dont know if thats how they work it out ?
  monaco blue 172 ..
i know you can lower the tarriff after 6 months but just want rid for my peace of mind
  6/468 17poo
where did u take the contract out? a shop or somewhere?carphonewarehouse or phones4u?

if yes u might be able to email 02 and say u cannot afford the £35 contract and say u didnt realise it was that much, i did a similar thing as phones4u put a bolt on my account and i didnt realise at the time and emailed 02 to say they had mis-informed me and i did not want this add-on

they took it off and refunded me what i was owed!might be worth an email even if it dont work! good luck
  monaco blue 172 ..
got it from phones4u chesterfield already phoned 02 up and they said only thing i can do is either swap the contract to some one else or pay off the contract
  6/468 17poo
hmmm fair enough id still email as ive found that 02 on the phone isnt much help and with an email they get things done, up to you i suppose!
sorry to hi-jack, but i can anyone change their tarrif after 6 months, i stupidly signed up for a contract that is 50+ quid a month, and i could do with lowering it a tad..
  monaco blue 172 ..
just got a reply from them ,the only way i can cancel the contract is by paying the cancelation charge 11months X £35 a month and if i keep it going the contract ends on the 21st february so either someone has to take it over or i need to sell the phone for £350 sim free (can lower the tarrif charge after 6 monhs) by phoning them up
  6/468 17poo
aaah crap worth a try i suppose, whack the phone on ebay OR email them back being a bit more 'controlled' and arrange for the tariff to be dropped sayin u wasnt expecting it to be that much, they might be able to do something with a bit of an arguement?
  monaco blue 172 ..
just emailed them back to see if there is any way they can cancell it some other way??or lower the tarrif surely they can dio someting
