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Nokia N95 Screen Wobble.... Anyone Else?

  Coiley'd Clio PH2
Ok, i just recieved my brand new Nokia N95 today only to find that the screen wobbles from side to side when you press any of the buttons that are on the screen part!
Very annoying, think i am gonna return it and get another one!
Anyone else had problems like this?


(On the right hand corner just where the hang up button is)
my N80 was the same, still sort of is... i took mine apart and tighten up the spring mechanism, made it snap a bit better and less wobble but when the phone is closed and it vibrates on a surface its well dodgy.

Nokia slide phones arent to great. still wouldnt own anything else
  Coiley'd Clio PH2
Hmm ok, well i just rang up CarPhoneWarehouse and they are gonna do a doorstep swap of my one for a brand new one.
I may as well give it a go.... im not without a phone at all so it doesnt bother me really.
