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Nokia N96 first time charge?


ClioSport Club Member
I've just had my second N96 delivered due to the battery being faulty and only lasting a matter of hours from a full charge with little use. When i first got the phone i did charge it until it said, fully charged, unplug the charger but it was only within 7 hours or so..Orange have mentioned 16 hours but i cant see it in the manual?

Whats the best plan of action for a healthy battery? Just until it says or ignore and keep it plugged in?
I didn't think it was much of a problem with newer batteries. I've heard some say they don't need a long charge, some say 8 hours, some 16.

When I got mine I left it on charge overnight at first and its been fine.


ClioSport Club Member
Well i got it at 9am. I'll leave it on charge until i go out tonight around 7..but really i want to take it out with me..


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)
Simple really, charge it until it says battery full.

Discharge is the key to begin with, then after 5-6 cycles chrange when you want.


ClioSport Club Member
Ok, ta. So is it worth taking off charge now to flat tom then fully recharge?
