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not firing on 2&3 cylinders

  clio 1.6 16v
:mad:hi i just fitted 4 new coils to my clio and buggeration she still not fireing on 2 and 3 cylinders and there are no fault lights on the dash :S:S is thisa ecu fault any sugestions folks????/
did you change the sparkplugs at the same time?

Injectors need checking next, then do a compression test
  clio 1.6 16v
thanks dan i just swaped plugs and coils around so i know that plugs and coils are working i will check injectors next
I had this a few weeks back. It turned out to be a bad connection on the ECU loom connector (pin1 : coils 2-3). As the pin socket is hard to get to I just took the the connector on and off fifteen times and it seems to have sorted it out. This was showing up as two faults - open circuit 2-3 coils ; and short circuit 2-3 coils.

edit: mine is a 2.0 engine. does the 1.6 engine only have two coils as well???!!!


ClioSport Trader
  Clio16v/Zoe Z.E.50
The K4M uses the pencil type ignition coils not the block type as found on the 2.0 setup. If you fitted some cheap auto-factor/eBay crap its possible the coils themselves are faulty to.

If it were in my workshop i'd scope the ignition drivers and then as Danny said above move on to the injectors, plugs and finally comp. test. I take it you've tried lifting the coils off the plug with the engine running to see if you can A: hear any difference in the engines noise and B: to see if you can hear the coil arch out?

  clio 1.6 16v
hi guys thanks for your input its most needed, so far i have shuffled coils and plugs around to confirm they all work i pulled the injectors off yesterday they all looked clean and are of the correct resistance, ihave checked the loom for wear or damage none evident and the connector on the ecu is clean with no obvious signs of damage or wear i have read that a miss fire on 2&3 is aknown ecu failer ? any ideas on this would be it worth buying a fault anyliser? and which is acctually worth buying i have no fault lights on the dash at all and im 99%sure that compression is not the issue here, how would i test the ignition drivers mick? any help or advice is most appreciated.

may thanks julian


ClioSport Trader
  Clio16v/Zoe Z.E.50
You will need an Oscillescope to be able to test the ignition drivers mate which is a pretty pricey piece of kit for the average DIYer.

Best off taking it to someone with one and is trained to use it properly in anger.


Sent from my BlackBerry 9900 using Tapatalk
