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Not your usual car problem...

  Breaking A 172 Replica
Hello guys,

Today I ran out of petrol. I was about 50metres from a petrol station... I pushed the car a bit but then tried to just start it with 1st engaged. It moved the car as expected but it also made the drivers side window go down...

I have owned the car 3 weeks and I have so far been unable to move the drivers side window down. The window went up ok after it went down btw.

What the hell can be wrong with the window as it now appears it isn't the motor...


  BMW 330D
Not neccisarily could be the wrong size fuse etc, Also could be dodgy wiring somewhere?
Perhaps shorting out?
  Breaking A 172 Replica
But if it is sticking then why would it work when I was trying to start the car in gear and at no other time? Do you think there was just more power going to the window then for some reason?



I thought that maybe the 'jerk' of the car bump starting may have just rattled the window a little causing it to go down.
  Carrera 4S. Clio 172. M5
Its just the fact you are loading the battery up beyond its CCA rating and the ECU that controls the windows has got confused by the low voltage.

It will clear when the battery is back up to full charge.
  Breaking A 172 Replica
Ok Brian, how do you recommend me fixing it then?

In a way this is good as I guess it eliminates some possible causes of the broken window.


  Carrera 4S. Clio 172. M5
You should need to "fix" it, Sam. It should clear itself, but if it doesn't, start the engine hold the window button till the glass goes down and HOLD it down for 5 seconds, then hold on again to the UP side and wait again when it reaches the top.

This should re-program the module and the one touch down.
  Breaking A 172 Replica
I don't think I explained correctly...

The window is broken. Ever since I have bought it. When I push the button down can hear the UCH click but then nothing happens.

Thats why it was so strange when it suddenly worked tonight.

It did it till about half way down. Then I took the key out. I think put the key in to stage 2 and pulled the button up and it closed the window.

If I push the button down now then it is just the same as movement...

My face = :S

Cheers for your help

  Carrera 4S. Clio 172. M5
Adams suggestion is a good place to start, the window fuses are under the bonnet in the e box next to the battery. Big green 30 amp ones, could be loose in the holders or corroded.
  DUB mk2 golf gti!
check the relays my friend! under the glove box! should be about 7 of um! grey or red colour!
  Breaking A 172 Replica
I went into Renault and I said I need a new fuse I think. The guy (who I must add is about as useful as a knitted condom) from servicing said that it isn't the fuses and that it is the motor.

  Breaking A 172 Replica
But he did say its fine. He can sort it for me.

But it will be 283+ VAT and labour at 50 quid an hour + VAT.
  Carrera 4S. Clio 172. M5
I went into Renault and I said I need a new fuse I think. The guy (who I must add is about as useful as a knitted condom) from servicing said that it isn't the fuses and that it is the motor.


Perhaps its only half the motor thats gone wrong then Sam, as it only goes halfway down :lolup:
  Mazda 2, MX5 Mk2.5 Sport
Sounds simular to the fault on mine. When the motor was connected (I had to disconnect it as I got fed up with taking the door card of to connect the battery straight to the motor to shut the window) It would randomly shut itself whilst driving and occasionally not close at all. I'm fairly sure the uch is at fault as it was doing some strange things. Sometimes if the windows wouldn't go up it would work if you put the hazards on?!! Hopefully I will find out tomorrow when it goes in to get the xenons looked at.
