PC is just a PITA for devs. They need to make proffit at the end of the day, and piracy is so convenient on PC it must be difficult for devs to make as much money selling a PC only game as they would a multi platform.
Surely that arguments so old hat these days though? I can't recall the last software I 'downloaded' for the PC. I pretty much buy everything through Steam these days.
My 360 Bookend however...... totally the opposite. I wouldn't even know what a green-recycled bin DVD case would look like.![]()
You can keep making excuses, but you know you need another one. Why buy one when you can have two for twice the price?
You can keep making excuses, but you know you need another one. Why buy one when you can have two for twice the price?
The console gimps crease me up TBH.
You need to be pretty dumb to not realise that PC hardware drives everything. Take it away and we'd be left with Megadrives.
That won't stop the console guys getting excited by the 'next gen' (read DX11) visuals, mind you.