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O2 Business Contract.


ClioSport Club Member
  Elise, 530d
Any stipulations when it comes to taking one out?

Basically, I want the 24month iPhone 4 contract. If I go in to an O2 Store tuesday and get it, will they ask for proof that I'm part of a business?

Cheers for the help.


ClioSport Club Member
yeh i think so. but having said that.

i walked in and said virgin are doing so and so can u match it.. yep they said.. well put you on a business contract
think the manager swindled a deal for me. :S


ClioSport Club Member
  Elise, 530d
Well a mate of mine went in and set it up no problems, but I've heard mixed views on it.


ClioSport Club Member
  Elise, 530d
2 years is a long time to be stuck with a phone that's nearly a year old already.
O2 Business contract lets you update every year.
Look on the website T's & C's??
Couldn't see anything :( Google through s**t all up, currently going through the website though and it asked for My name/ Business name. And how long the business has been running :/ pahaha.


ClioSport Club Member
  Elise, 530d
2 years is a long time to be stuck with a phone that's nearly a year old already.
O2 Business contract lets you update every year.
Look on the website T's & C's??
Couldn't see anything :( Google through s**t all up, currently going through the website though and it asked for My name/ Business name. And how long the business has been running :/ pahaha.
Make it up.

Jason's Detailing

Print a letter head. Done.

Store monkeys aren't going to check you're VAT registered or something like that.
Make it up.

Jason's Detailing

Print a letter head. Done.

Store monkeys aren't going to check you're VAT registered or something like that.


ClioSport Club Member
  Elise, 530d
Yeah, well the site didn't ask for s**t so I'm going through that now. I'm still waiting on a cheque clearing. If it hurried up I'd be able to get it now!
I'm on O2 Business can't beat it, the yearly upgrades are gold. Iphone....12 months passes, sell it for £300, get new one, keep that for 12 months....etc. Pays its own way nearly :p


ClioSport Club Member
  Elise, 530d
£30, Unlimited texts, 300 mins, 500mb of Data. £117.77 for the phone. Upgrade every 12 months.


ClioSport Club Member
  Elise, 530d
Scratch that, £45 unlimited texts, 1200 mins, 500mb data. £33 for the phone. Just ordered it online.


ClioSport Club Member
  Elise, 530d
The only business related question was this

Type of business: "Self employed/ Partner"
Business Name/ Your name: Jason.
How old is the business: 1 Month.
Business address (my address).
Business Phone number (My mobile)

Piece o' piss.
  Bus w**ker
Hmmm, for once one of Jason's posts is actually interesting and not making me want to cause him physical pain. Remember this day young Jason.


ClioSport Club Member
  Elise, 530d
I read that as if you said it in a creepy voice. I'm a tad scared but thanks.

White iPhone ordered. Yes, white.
  Bus w**ker
Can someone link me to where it states that you can upgrade every 12 months please? I've only have 4 hours sleep and currently doing anything more than breathing it way too taxing for me.


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)
Can someone link me to where it states that you can upgrade every 12 months please? I've only have 4 hours sleep and currently doing anything more than breathing it way too taxing for me.

If applicable, Pay Monthly handset upgrades are available at the end of the Minimum Period, subject to signing a new Minimum Period contract. Customers wanting a handset upgrade who are at or past the end of their minimum contract period who do not wish to sign for an additional 24 months can opt to pay an additional monthly charge and sign a new contract with a Minimum Period of at least 12 months effective from the end of month 24. The Phone Supplement charge of £10 per month per phone is payable for a minimum of 12 months.



ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)
Just to add, i'd want the 12 month upgrade "promise" in writing because as far as i can tell it ended on the 29th of march 2011.

Realistically this is a terrible deal as sooner or later you'll have to go for 24 months with a single phone. Unless you keep it until you die.
  Bus w**ker
Cheers Tom.

I'm sure I remember some EU regs meant to be coming in to force from the start of this month anyway to force providers to offer 12 month contracts for mobiles and ban 36 month ones.


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)
Well this is essentially a 36 month contract in disguise.

UK hasnt really pushed 36 month contracts, its more the fayre of mainland europe, holland for example.
  Bus w**ker
I can't imagine having a three year contract for a mobile, that would just be stupidity. I hated having to agree to an 18 month one so I'll welcome a 12 month contract with open arms. The poor will no doubt moan about handsets costing more blah blah blah...I'd rather pay more for the handset and not be locked in or stuck with an out of date phone.

Actually I'm going to ask o2, see what excuse they can come up with for not offering 12 months.


ClioSport Moderator
  E55 AMG
36 mnths!!! bolox to that, i've got a 2 year one atm not even done a year and I die a little inside everytime I pull my phone out of my pocket lol
  Bus w**ker
Never knew that they did Simplicity on Pay Monthly, thought it was just some Pay As You Go pikie thing :(. I could have saved about £200 if I'd gone down that route and bought the phone outright from Apple.

Ah well, I'm up for renewal soon anyway so I'll sort it for when the 5/4GS/Other random name comes out.


ClioSport Club Member
  Elise, 530d
My friend only got his iPhone the other day and they told him the 12 month thing was still applicable. Might give them a ring, they've said theres a 30 day cooling off period for the contract anyway.
  GTD, Lupo
I have a business contract and i dont own a business.

Im down as MD of our company and my wife is my PA :D We pay £70 a month and the contract has a lot of benefits over a standard contract.

We have a 24 month contract and have had it for about 20 months now. We originally got 2 iphone 3Gs. The first phone was £150 and the second hand set was £52. We then got a 12 month upgrade to the Iphone 4. These cost us £252 and we sold our old 3Gs for £411. So was well worth it, and we will do the same again this september when we are due another upgrade.

You do get a 12 month upgrade!

Well worth it in my eyes.


ClioSport Trader
  Clio16v/Zoe Z.E.50
I didn't think it was that bad Tom... I'm on it with my Blackberry's but it is not a cheeky 3yr trap deal.

Basically, and i've read my contract documents aswell as confirmed this with O2 UK Business, that at approx 12months in to the 24month agreement you have the option to take on a new contract. If you do, the remaining 12months is binned not added and you start a new 24month agreement. If you don't want to upgrade (again, this is O2 UK Business tariffs not consumer) you can refuse the upgrade point and carry on till it expires and then upgrade or go elsewhere.

You cannot upgrade after the 12month "break point" though... you get but one chance to get out and get a newer handset.



ClioSport Trader
  Clio16v/Zoe Z.E.50
Yes but that's going to be the case no matter what desirable phone you have these days unless, like your self Dan, you can afford to opt to buy it outright and then use a Simplicity.

All they're doing really, in my eyes at least, is ensuring that you stay with them for at least 3 years rather than forcing you to take a 36month contract for say an iPhone 4.


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)
Its still £1300 in the bin (if you choose to upgrade and i havent factored the cost of the upgrade handset)

A sim only deal, assuming you sold the phones would be £600 tops over 3 years. iPhone 4 is £510?

No brainer.


ClioSport Club Member
  Elise, 530d
I totally see where you're coming from. It's the same argument with Car finance.

However, I've always been on contract, and I've always had a contract phone (ie. not bought outright).

JUST rang them. They DO NOT offer the 12 month upgrade scheme anymore, think I'm going to go for another contract (18 months).


ClioSport Trader
  Clio16v/Zoe Z.E.50
Its still £1300 in the bin (if you choose to upgrade and i havent factored the cost of the upgrade handset)

A sim only deal, assuming you sold the phones would be £600 tops over 3 years. iPhone 4 is £510?

No brainer.

Yes but that £1300 is based upon an iP4 at £45 a month plus the VAT over 24months I assume with a small outlay for the device? Lets compare it to the option you prefer; Buying the phone for lets say £510 outright then sticking it on a 30 day rolling tariff. A basic 30 day O2 Simplicity is £20 +VAT a month so that makes the initial cost high but it does offer a long terrm saving. To me the saving isn't that much if you drag it out over the same duration so say 24months - that works out as £576. Now add the cost of the phone making the total outlay £1086 so you've saved yourself £300 over 2yrs which is a mere £12.50 a month (Not that you'd have the same handset on a monthly simplicity for 24months as thats crazy).

I see your arguement but nothing in life is really for nothing and the general population must have one of those damn iPhones in their pockets which, again generally speaking, the customer can't actually afford to buy outright so you're on to network credit terms which you'll get raped for on the more "must have" devices that apparently make your life better ormake you more poplular with your circle of friends.

I took out my O2 Business contract in Jan and payed £70 upfront for my BB Torch then £23 +VAT for the next 24months so the cost of my 2yr contract is just shy of £600. At the time the tariff was 300mins a month + 200 bonus minutes, free calls to 10 UK landline numbers, 500Mb data and unlimited text messages and the 12month break point mentioned earlier. As I added a rolling month by month mobile broadband option for my business Netbook for an extra £5 +VAT a month I also get free unlimited WiFi access via the Cloud and BT Openzone making it not a bad deal, or so I thought.

