We were with Sky for the last year, we are not on a LLU exchange unfortunately so prices are higher than normal. Swapped to Plusnet after family and friends having good experiences, can honestly say it was the best thing we did, paying less for line rental and BB. Sky would throttle my connection heavily in peak traffic times, making it completely unusable to stream/download even a Youtube video let alone a movie from Sky's on demand library.
Been with Plusnet for the last 2 weeks and EVERY time I've checked the speed its been 6.60mbps compared with Sky which used to get throttled to 1mbps or less and be all over the place.
Would highly recommend Plusnet as their Network seems to be a lot more robust compared to Sky.
P.s I wouldn't go with BT ever again, after a complete fiasco and rude CS when swapping my mum from them to Plusnet. took 3 months for them to stop charging her line rental!
Thank you for this update, that is brilliant. Gives me some confidence.
I think I will try PlusNet. Will see if their Fibre is available. Just need to see what offers are around.
Thanks again for this update