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Odd noise




Just had a little fun on the way home from the cinema as the roads were fairly empty and dry for a change.

When cornering very hard to the left, probably doing around 50 - 60 still in second I had a strange rubbing/vibrating noise from the rear of the car. This has only happened once on this very long fast bend. I wondered if it might have been the heat shield for the exhaust vibrating?

Im not too bothered by it as this is the first time its happened, and its not often I get to corner that hard and that fast for such a long distance. I was just wondering if anyone else has had anything similar happen to them?

Ill try and re create it when I get chance, but its not often I get that sort of space to play with.



Ol’ Tarby

ClioSport Moderator
  Clio 220 Trophy

could it be the ESP sorting summet out? i dont actually know wot im on about but its a guess:sick:

Yeah I get a similair noise from mine. It always happens on long sweeping bends when excellerating hard. Probably starts at 3.5K onwards.

Im gonna take it in soon for that and the rattles.

Ill let you know what Reno say.

Cheers Stuart


ClioSport Admin
  Clio Trophy #355

Had a similar noise when i first picked up my 172 a few weeks ago. The noise was from the let rear wheel when turning hard right (mainly noticed on small roundabouts). Im pretty sure it was some sort of rubbing because it was a regular noise and it got faster / slower with the speed of the car.

I noticed the brakes smelt quite warm from that wheel compared to the others when i stopped, which makes me think it was the brakes rubbing. After hearing it a couple more times (and after about 100 miles on the clock) it seems to have gone away and havent heared anything since.
