The dealer that ive placed my order with has a blue vee that the sale has fallen through on. The sales guy phoned me tonight and asked if I was interested in having the blue one insted of waiting for my black one. I said I would be interested if the PX price on imine was what I wanted. The price I have my current vee advertised for is £18995 at the mo and the dealer knows this coz they have advertised it for me in there own local advert. I told the sales guy that if he could get somewhere near the price im after then I might be tempted to take the blue car. He said hed have a chat with his boss and let me know tomorrow. So heres the dilemma, do I:
1/ Still wait for the Black vee (prob. arrive next Feb/March)
2/ Take the Blue vee now (if they give me a good p/x, say £18000)
Comments please!