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Oil can light flickers on when clutch pdeal is pressed.

  Clio 172
As above when i press my clutch pedal the oil can and stop sign light up on my dash and flicker out a couple seconds later. Happened when i hit a couple bumps in the road. Im presuming a loose conection of some sort but where? I was doing work in the drivers side wheel area today and this started after i finished. Is the connection in that area. Car is full of oil so its not that. Cheers.
  Clio 172
Can anyone shed some light on this, seems to be on now all the time and if i go over 2,000 rpm go's off and occasionally flickers on and off. Sensor fubar or just a bad connection?


ClioSport Club Member
  335d, GT4
My friend had this on his starlet, thrust washers had worn which caused swarf in the oil, blocked the oil holes in the crank, wore the big ends. Needed to be rebuilt. Happened within 500 miles as it was a fresh forged build. Oil should have been dropped a couple of times in the first few hundred miles.

Do change the oil pressure switch though to be sure as my DCI also did this when I first got it. There was no pattern with revs though, it just came on or was off, flickering in random patterns.

So it's either £6 from Euro's or DEAD. I am sure there are other explanations for such things though.

If it's the sensor, here's a pic of where it is, it's very easy to replace. (just on the left of the filter), believe it's a 22mm deep socked you'll need

  Clio 172
Ordered a switch just now will leave the car in the drive until it arrives. Dont want to risk damage if its not the switch. Fingers crossed.
  renault clio 1.2
As above when i press my clutch pedal the oil can and stop sign light up on my dash and flicker out a couple seconds later. Happened when i hit a couple bumps in the road. Im presuming a loose conection of some sort but where? I was doing work in the drivers side wheel area today and this started after i finished. Is the connection in that area. Car is full of oil so its not that. Cheers.

Hi I have had exactly the same problem and have now got stop and oil light on permanently after a few months of flickering I have found out it is the oil pressured switch but now I cant find the right one to replace it . Mine is black and oval with one flat edge but all I can find are ones that are either white or grey but both circular.
