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oil level gauge don’t work

hi chaps, just wondered if anyone knows a common fault for why the oil level gauge in a 16v wont work? the pressure and temperature gauges work and there all wired up to the same plug on the back of the gauges. any ideas? cheers

Sorry to steel the thread...

Mines seems to be intermittent, sometimes works, and then doesnt other times,

Be interesting to see if anyone else is having the same probs...
  Not a Clio

assume you know its a one stage thing. Will only read the level when the car is first turned on then drops to min.

ive been told theres a sender unit on the sump but when i got it on the ramps i couldnt see anything that resembled one.
  1.8 Civic EX

there is a sensor in there somewhere, mine went too. Took it to reno and they sorted it. But being reno it cost about 80 squid I think!!
